What Clients Say About Me


I have known Jeff since 2006, and have sought his perspectives and advice on each and every one of the critical decisions I needed to make in my career. Jeff’s insight on the human dynamics in hard-charging, high-performing organizations, and his tailored advice on communication approach have been particularly valuable. Jeff has been extremely supportive and generous. He is a sounding board for an objective, third-party view that is often needed but rarely sought by many.

— Managing Director, Capital Markets, New York based Global bank


When we first met, I thought you were going to tell me exactly what I needed to say and do to secure my dream job. Instead, you helped me get honest with myself and take a hard look within. Working with you has allowed me to realize that I already have the right stuff and the beautiful part is that all I had to do was be myself.

– J.W. Sales & Trading New York


I have worked with Jeff for the past five years and will continue to do so. He is a valuable and trusted counsel as well as a tremendous business resource. Jeff quickly separated signal from noise, helped me identify my greatest value-add, and enabled me to effectively target the right people to work with. Because of Jeff, I now focus my efforts on what I do best. My professional growth is a direct benefit of our frank and targeted meetings.

— Hedge Fund Manager


Jeff enabled me to discover what is lurking in the depths of my heart – my passions and convictions and purpose. Then, he further enabled me to be able to articulate what had previously been muddled and unclear. And then on top of that, he helped me forge the link between the stirrings in the heart and the thinking and expressing in the head so that they’re aligned. 

I not only figure out what I really desire when I talk with him, but I also find ways to make my passions coherent with all of my practical considerations of how I’m going to make a living and develop a career and be successful. Thought and feeling and action become aligned after he works me over. I stop making excuses to myself and instead leave with utter clarity on what I must do if I’m going to live life well.

— Former CEO Media and Telecommunications


I will be eternally grateful to Jeff Fischer because of the profound impact he’s had on my career. Jeff helped me look within to identify my natural gifts, and then he opened my eyes to a career that leverages these true strengths – and my genuine interests. Now I’m in a position with a world class firm that I never would have considered for myself in a million years. Jeff believed in me and what was possible for me, and now I’m able to do what I love and what I’m good at each and every day.

– T.F. Atlanta, GA


Jeff Fischer has advanced degrees from some of the finest educational institutions in America, and he has a successful track record as a deal-maker and consultant, having worked for some of the most prominent companies in the world. His background is impressive but it doesn’t communicate what you, as a potential client, need to know about the man. 

What a potential client needs to know about Jeff Fischer is that he possesses several unique gifts – gifts that he uses to help you make new beginnings. His first gift is that of a generous listener – he listens carefully to your story, asks incisive questions, and helps you assemble a picture of yourself. 

His second gift is as a kind of analyst/artist; using the picture that he has helped you paint, he cuts it up into puzzle pieces and reassembles it, producing an altogether new picture of you. This new picture, which serves as the basis of your career coaching journey, is a representation of you, your passions, and your aptitudes, that you could never have painted on your own. You couldn’t have made this picture on your own if you had tried, because you were stuck telling your story the way that you always tell it, seeing things the way that you’ve trained yourself to see them. 

What Jeff can do for you is give you an opportunity to produce the hidden picture of yourself that only he could assemble. This new you in the picture will, as a result of his coaching, begin new adventures, new projects, and new careers. Today I have just completed my work with Jeff and I have two projects in development – one at a local university and one at a non-profit. 

These exciting new beginnings were only made possible because of my work with Jeff. To the potential client who has reached the end of one journey, who wants to begin a new one, but who cannot see how the guy looking back in the mirror is going to travel anywhere new, I encourage you to entrust your story to Jeff and allow him to reassemble it into a new picture – a picture of somebody that you have never seen before, but who has always been you. A new chapter of your life awaits!

— Ph.D. University Professor, Chapel Hill, NC

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